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ADHD me and the job market

Diversity is today's hot topic, and during said discussion we often look towards visible things that we need to keep in mind so that everyone feels welcome and included. But we cannot forget invisible characteristics, behavioral patterns that are considered "unorthodox" or "strange" simply ... Read more »ADHD me and the job market

Managerial abuse towards employees

On 27.04.2023 the radio show, Mannlegi þátturinn (e. the human factor) interviewed Vinnuhjálp's founder, Sunna Arnardóttir, regarding manager's abuse towards other employees. The interview was conducted by Guðrún Gunnarsdóttir and Gunnar Hansson.

Managerial silencing techniques

Managers who use anything other than positive management practices run the risk of employees pointing out their shortcomings as managers. Many managers welcome suggestions about what can be done better, and use the employees' suggestions to improve themselves in their work. No manager is perfect with complete knowledge of good management practices, and it is therefore normal to receive occasional suggestions about behavior or incidents that could have been done better. Read more »Managerial silencing techniques