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Managerial abuse in the workplace

We will all say that we are against any kind of abuse. We all want to stand up for those who are being abused. We all want to live in a just world, where neither abuse nor injustice is tolerated. Unfortunately, we aren't active enough at letting our behavior reflect our words. Both in our daily lives, as well as in the labor market. This is something we have to change. Read more »Managerial abuse in the workplace

The Root of the Public Sector's Problems: General Staff or Managers?

The Association of Employers in Iceland held an open meeting on February 9th, 2023, where a report made by Intellecon, entitled "Isn't it best to work for the state?" was discussed. Since then discussions regarding overstaffing in the public sector, increased labor costs which public institutions are battling due to number of employees, and whether public employees enjoy too much legal protection in their work has been rampant in Icelandic society. Media outlets have been riddled with articles and interviews regarding the statistics the report gives, and whether the report is justified. But in all of this, it has been omitted to point out that the report is not tackling a problem, but only a possible manifestation of a problem. Read more »The Root of the Public Sector's Problems: General Staff or Managers?

Managerial abuse towards general employees

There are many forms of abuse in the labor market. It exists among general staff, from general staff to managers, and from managers to general staff. Abuse between general employees, and from general employees to managers, is usually tackled immediately by managers or human resources departments when reports of such occur. But what about abusive behavior which managers show towards general employees? Read more »Managerial abuse towards general employees

Financial abuse in the labor market

Financial abuse is an obvious problem in the labor market, which unfortunately is reduced to an economic crime. A better understanding of what financial abuse is is necessary to be able to deal with the problem.