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Terms & Conditions Vinnuhjálp operates from.

Persónuupplýsingar berast frá atvinnurekendum eða einstaklingum sem óska eftir aðstoð Vinnuhjálpar með tölvupósti. Ávallt er leitast eftir því að söfnun persónuupplýsinga sé haldið í algjöru lágmarki og um leið og úrvinnslu persónugagna er lokið er þeim eytt úr kerfum Vinnuhjálpar. Persónugögn eru ekki geymd í kerfum Vinnuhjálpar heldur hjá viðeigandi aðila hverju sinni.

Vinnuhjálp does not collect information from those who visit No cookies are issued by Vinnuhjálp's website, but a service provider counts the number of visits to the site without recording additional information.

Vinnuhjálp works based on predetermined procedures that apply equally to all clients who use Vinnuhjálp's services.

Vinnuhjálp puts a lot of effort into ensuring that everyone comes to the table on an equal footing. Characteristics such as age, interests, residence, disability, hair color, health status, gender, gender identity, sexuality, gender expression, gender identity, race, views on life, body type, work ability, political opinion, religion, language, appearance, ethnic origin, or anything else that can be used to define an individual is kept independent from Vinnuhjálp's work.

The purpose of the first meeting with an individual is always to allow the person to express the issues that the person wants help with, and to adjust the services of Vinnuhjálp according to the wishes and needs of each individual. This applies both to individuals who seek help from Vinnuhjálp, as well as when Vinnuhjálp acts on the behalf of the employer.

The circumstances in each case are assessed impartially, but with each individual person in mind so that the services of Vinnuhjálp are used to strengthen the person in question as an individual as well as in their work.

If Vinnuhjálp is at any point aware that it will not be possible to treat all parties equally and/or in an impartial manner, Vinnuhjálp must report the situation immediately to the appropriate parties so that appropriate corrections in service can be made.

Öll samskipti við einstaklinga eru í trúnaði milli hvers aðila fyrir sig og Vinnuhjálpar, óháð því hvort að aðilinn hafi sem einstaklingur óskað eftir þjónustu Vinnuhjálpar, eða sækir þjónustu Vinnuhjálpar í gegnum atvinnurekanda sinn. Sé Vinnuhjálp að vinna að sérstæku verkefni fyrir hönd atvinnurekanda er aðilum máls ávallt tilkynnt um það hvernig gögnum máls sé háttað, og hver fái hvaða upplýsingar og hvenær.

Vinnuhjálp strives to limit all collection and storage of personal data in general. If this is not possible, Vinnuhjálp works towards empowering and supporting individuals to manage and take care of their own personal data where applicable.

If Vinnuhjálp is obliged to hand over data due to resolution of certain cases, Vinnuhjálp notifies all relevant parties of the case about what data is handed over, as well as who will receive what data and why.

If a client or a party to a case wishes to comment on the handling of personal information or Vinnuhjálp's procedures, please send all comments to Vinnuhjálp's email address:

These procedures are written and published on 03.10.2023, and will be re-evaluated if necessary.